Frequently Asked Questions

What format do you provide your art in?

We do not provide our art directly to consumers. Our art is directly uploaded to Printify. If you don't see the artwork you like on a Printify product you like please send us the link of the Printify product you wish to have the art added to. We'll work hard to make it happen.

Stickers are generally in stock. We ship based on available inventory. Availability is noted on the order page. Large quantity orders generally take anywhere from 7 to 10 business days to get to us.

Why do you require the specific product link from Printify?

Printify has dozens if not hundreds of vendors, each offering various color options and turnaround times. Each product has different specification requirements, particularly in terms of artwork upload size. To ensure that we create the best piece for you, tailored to your preferences and the specific product you're interested in, we need the details of the product you wish to customize. Providing us with the product link allows us to accurately design the artwork to fit the product's dimensions and meet your expectations. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us deliver a personalized and high-quality product.

Why don't you have all your designs pre-uploaded on Printify?

The range of variables available for customization on a platform like Printify is vast. Printify has over 850 products ready for customization. With numerous products, designs and color options, it's impractical to pre-upload everything. Instead, we offer a basic selection of designs as a starting point. If you desire customization, we're more than happy to accommodate your specific requests. Simply provide us with the details of the product you're interested in, and we'll work with you to create a personalized design tailored to your preferences. This approach allows us to provide a wide range of options while ensuring that each design meets your individual needs.